mercredi 20 février 2008

Playlist de l'émission n°37 du 19/02/2008

Black Mountain - Wucan - In the future - 2008
MGNT - Week-end wars - Oracular spectacular - 2008
The Do - At last ! - A mouthful - 2008
Saturday looks good to me - Money in the afterlife - Fill up the room - 2007
Ween - Gabrielle - Shinola Vol. 1 - 2005
Pony up - What's free is yours - Make love to the judges with your eyes - 2007
Queens of the Stone Age - Make it with chu - Era vulgaris - 2007
The Delano Orchestra - Kill me twice - 2008
Operator please - Just a song about ping pong - Yes yes vindicative - 2007
The Waterboys - Fisherman's Blues - Fisherman's Blues - 1988
British Sea Power - Do you like rock music? - 2008
Merz - Verily - Silver Tree EP - 2006

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