mardi 6 mai 2008

Playlist de l'émission n°49

Evangelicals - skeleton man -the evening descends - 2008
Tennisoap - metallika - give me six or give me five - 2008
The tings tings - great dj - we started nothing - 2008
Tindersticks - boobar come back to me - The hungry saw - 2008
The notwist - goodlies - the devil you and me - 2008
Bon iver - Flume - For emma forever ago - 2008
Silver mount zion - blind blind blind - 13 blues for 13 moons - 2008
Weezer - Porks and beans - weezer - 2008
El perro del mar - Glory to the world - From the valleys to the star - 2008
Heffner - christian girls - boxing hefner - 2000

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