mardi 6 avril 2010

Playlist de l'émission n°112 du 06/04/2010

Broken bells - mongrel heart - broken bells - 2010
Turin Brakes - sea change - outburst - 2010
Rodrigo Leao - cathy - A Mae - 2010
Boogers - I wanna do it now - as clean as possible - 2010
vampire weekend - cousins - contra - 2010
josiah wolf - gravity defied - jetlag - 2010
smooth - I know - the parade - 2010
Archie Bronson Outfit - magnetic warrior - coconut - 2010
Sleeper - sale of the century - 100 hits indie - 2009
Hey hey my my - Oh lord - A sudden change of mood - 2010
Erland and the carnival - trouble in mind - erland and the carnival - 2010

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Sympa le dernier Hey Hey My My !

Le B.